Welcome to PotagerDuKanada.com!

My spouse and I grew up in an urban environment, where it was hard to find a farm, except the green city parks & gardens. However, there were many of our relatives who were living in the countryside, either working on farms or have their own.

As kids, we both had many memories of the good time we had on weekends or during school vacations when we spent time in the countryside. We used to run after the chicken or watch the farmer milk the cows; it was a lot of excitement and fun. We used to go to the vegetable fields, either to help with sowing or harvesting. All these childhood experiences are now turning into reality.

With the disappearance of local farmers within the GTA neighborhoods, we have decided to take on this opportunity, presented to us by FarmStart and the TRCA. We have followed FarmStart courses, attended several workshops, visited farms and attended presentations on being a sustainable farm. Potager duKanada is ready to take on the challenge to provide the neighborhood and the city dwellers with organically grown local and fresh produce.

In a way we are helping in reducing the greenhouse gas emission, by cutting down on the imported veggies. Using the ecological and organic principles in our cultivation, we are not adding synthetics chemicals to mother Earth.  The micronutrients are thus preserved and flourished to help the growth of the veggies.  Synthetic insecticide is not allowed on the farm, so the beneficial insects are available for natural pollination. The bees and butterflies are free to fly on the farm without fear of sudden death.